Ram In The Thicket – God Will Provide

When Abraham’s son Isaac asked, “Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the [a]lamb for a burnt offering?” (Gen.22:7). Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering” (Gen. 22:8). Truth is, God has been providing for all His creation since it came into being. He “sees”, from the beginning to the end of all things, therefore He knows of all your needs. Often times God provides for us in such small ways that we don’t even see it. But, this is true, that if God didn’t provide, we would all cease to exist.  The most important of all God’s provisions is Jesus Christ His Son. Jesus is our “Ram in the Thicket”, our Lamb, our sacrifice and our way out of troubles, our way out of certain and eternal spiritual death.