Prayer of the Lord – The Word for All Who Will Believe

In our last lesson we learned Jesus prayed to the Father on behalf of His Apostles. That the Father keep them—from evil, that they may be one as Jesus and the Father are One, and that the Father would sanctify them by His word of truth. These three requests were made at a time when Jesus was just hours away from death. Just imagine what your concern might have been if you were in His place, facing a horrifying death just hours away. I would be shifting into Macgyver mode and  thinking of ways to get out, my focus would be on how to save myself from that hour. Not so with the Lord as we saw He was concerned for His own apostles, but now we see Jesus was also concerned for us today—for all who will believe through the words of the apostles. Their words like the Lord’s have one common source—the source is God. Now God’s word will be delivered by His apostles first in Jerusalem—then to the whole world—to all who will believe. What does that mean for us today?