Emotion in Religion

What is emotion’s place in religion? Not about all the other religions, but in the church, the Lord’s people in the assembly, ready to worship God. Are you as a member of the church for it or against it? I am for it and in this lesson I will explain why, reasoning with you from the scriptures. Emotion in Christianity can be a touchy subject. There has been a lot of energy has been spent and expended in trying to train us out of having our emotions being a part of our Christianity. There are a lot of good reasons for that, very valid reasons that say, you need to keep your emotions out of your religion. However, for all of the reasons that say that is a good thing, to over react to, to over apply that, to take it completely out our religion, to take it completely out of our Christianity, and to take it out of our relationship with God is not what the scripture asks us to do. In this lesson we will examine what emotion is not, what emotion is and show by the scripture how it belongs in our worship. We will begin by reading Mark 12 verse 30 which reads, “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ [a]This is the first commandment.”  Let us begin…