Holy Days or Holidays

So, the first thing we must always do in answering any question concerning Christ or any practice in the church is to be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11), “and searched the Scriptures daily” to find out what the scriptures have to say on the subject of holidays to be practice in the LORD’s church. That means this message should be only 1:45 seconds long because that is how long it takes to say, “It’s not in there”. Of course if we are looking for reasons to explain why it will take a bit longer. What is the question? Simply put, of the many holidays practiced in the U.S. alone, do members of the LORD’s church have the right to add and make the celebration of a secular religious holiday to the worship of God. Can I say, “Jesus is the reason for the season”? The biblical answer is not always what people want to hear yet it is always the right answer.