Consolation in Suffering

This verse the direct contradiction to the “world’s religious view” that Christianity is all about being released from trials. Peter says this in not going to be easy people. What are you saying Peter? Peter said, it is going to be a firey” ordeal—That does not sound like a cakewalk—in fact that is scary. The word used for fiery—is not just a usual fire. The word is [πύρωσις] poo’ ro’ sis: Referring to a [a refining] fire such as is used to in metals. Proverbs 25:4 “Take away the dross from silver, and it will go to the silversmith for jewelry”. This kind of fiery trial is different from a campfire – like on the isle of Malta where the natives showed kindness and kindled a fire to make Paul and the others welcome. You could liken it more to the trial that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednegoexperienced—not so much the fire—but the persecution they faced. That is what Peter is describing here—and he is saying brethren—don’t be surprised – don’t think it strange, do not be surprised that you will no doubt go through fiery trials—that will not be pleasant. Fiery trials that will refine you and change your life forever…