Things We Don’t Believe

One of the constants in Christ’s church are the regular “false” claims slung by unlearned people who just pass on false teaching according to their forefathers. As members of the body of Christ we know full well how this can bring harm to brethren. Any time a false teaching is not “nipped-in-the-bud”, churches fail and become apostate. That is why we stand firm on what the scriptures teach and quickly eliminate even the slightest innovation, or change in the practice within the church. Another area where teaching must be done is when the many religious leaders on a regular basis, make false claims as to what the “Churches of Christ Believe or Don’t Believe”. One such accusation is that “We believe Musical Instrument are Sinful”. This lesson is designed to refute that notion and explain what we do believe. As usual, and in all these lessons, the Bible will be the basis for our belief. . .