Faith Triumphs Over Trouble

The city is under siege, the powerful army outside the gates! No food, what will we do? This account that is recorded in 2 Kings chapter 6 is one for the record. Probably the bleakest and most horrific story in all the biblical record, short of judgement day, when all who refused Christ’s invitation will be cast into Hell for eternity. But here in this account from the Old Testament, the king hears a cry for help from a mother who became so desperate that she cooked her own son for food (vs. 28-29). Unbelievable!  We can barely imagine the severity and utter desperation of this situation! But looking up to the king she pleads, “…Help, my lord, O king!” What the king replied is worth studying. He answered, “If the Lord does not help you, where can I find help for you”?  For everyone when one feels natural support is cut off, all we have left is God. The king had nothing left: the point where it was God or nothing. Can you imagine the pressure these people where under? We see depicted, David’s valley of the shadow of death. The lows of this account may just mirror life, not to the point of eating our children, but of desperation, and loss, helplessness and feelings of defeat. In this lesson we will see the power of God and how that trusting in Him, that trust turns trouble into triumph.