Show Yourself Strong

So many times, and I cannot count, I have heard the words “Show Yourself Strong God”. In prayers offered up by good brethren to our omnipotent God. . .In writings and publications from brethren concerning the power of God as recorded all throughout the history of man. . .And of course, in the scriptures…that record many great and awesome events that only an all powerful God could accomplish. Today our lesson titled Show Yourself Strong has two parts: We will see this phrase applies not only from man toward God—but also from God toward man. First, we will consider some of the ways that scripture records how God Shows Himself Strong. Secondly, we will close with a few ways each of us must show ourselves strong in Christ. The psalmist David speaking to God’s glory, goodness and power wrote, “Your God has commanded your strength; Strengthen, O God, what You have done for us” – Psa. 68:28 or as the NIV “Summon your power, God; show us your strength, our God, as you have done before.”