We Don’t Believe Social Activities are Wrong

Are social activities wrong? Is the church of Christ anti-social? Thankfully, with context in place, I can say no to both questions. But many falsely accuse the church of Christ to be anti-social because we don’t include basket ball courts, day care, quilting classes, financial education courses, dinners, kitchens, dining halls, family life centers, food courts, etc., in the work of the church. All these things done outside the church are perfectly acceptable as long as they aren’t interfering with your work and family life. When we ask the question are social activities within the church ok, then the answer is no. Simply put, the church you can read about in your bible has a job to do, fashioned and ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ its Founder and Head. The work is spiritual not physical. Benevolence, teaching the word of God and edification of its saints. When we come together it is to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24), not to entertain ourselves, not to do things that are pleasing to us, but to do what pleases our Father. We don’t add anything that cannot be found in God’s word to our acts of worship, and doing the things that God commands is enough to satisfy our souls.