How is Your Hope?

Do you fear death? Is your day filled with uncertainty, worry, or anxiety? Are you living day to day on a shaky foundation? Can you relate to the many souls on the RMS Titanic. Do you feel like “the ship is sinking” and there are no life boats left? Are you living without hope, does despair fill your whole being, do you feel that you don’t have control of the day? This is what it must have been like for the over 1,500 souls who lost their lives that day on April 15th, 1912. What is tragic about this is that people who live life day to day without hope, fear death, do not need to fear at at all.

Because is Christ all fear is gone, in Christ there is real hope! Jesus is the solid rock which all who obey will stand upon the firm and sure foundation. Living in Christ is the other side of anxiety, of worry and fear for the people of God have hope in the risen Christ and they are washed by His blood, members of His body, the church. These know that this life is just a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. These know that there is an eternal life after this life, and anxiously await it, saying to live is Christ and to die is gain (Phil. 1:21).