Living For Eternity Desiring Change AM

Remember that this world in not our home, and we are living for eternity, for the Lord to come. While we are in this world we need to desire to live godly, holy, and righteous lives. We must pattern ourselves after Jesus and His Apostles. That means we must desire changes that will keep us on a course that leads to the narrow and difficult gate that leads to Heaven.

In this lesson we are going to focus our attention to understand that when most people hear the term idols they often make the mistake of believing it means worshiping a statue, or a figure or form of some kind that represents a god, or gods. That is far from the truth. Then and now, there are forms of idol worship having nothing to do with any physical form or idol whatsoever. Fact is many participate in idol worship—never having molded, fashioned, or carved a single image. We tend to think “O’ how silly people are who worship and serve statues” That is just dumb. How foolish it is to bow down to an object created by mans hands. . .How foolish that some wear a crystal—and believe that it has mystical powers. But listen, just because we don’t see a physical complement made from metal, stone or wood—don’t think what we are doing isn’t connected to vain idol worship. Many because of this misunderstanding, fall into thinking of—well—I don’t have any statues, figures, or carvings in my house—therefore, I can’t be guilty of idolatry.
Nothing is farther from the truth. In fact, today there are far more forms of idolatry than in the first century. Let’s take this time and examine what idolatry really is. I hope that you will be convicted that in our society, and in many of our own lives—idolatry is a serious, and persistent problem that affects us all in many ways. Therefore, we need to desire change.