What’s It Worth to You?

Have you ever thought about the direct connection between how much time and effort you put into something and its value?
A brother in Christ, and my best friend Jack owned a Datsun 240 Z. Jack spent a lot of time, a lot of money, and a great deal of effort in keeping that car pristine. Even to the point of stripping the car down to only the body, and having that dipped in acid to remove the paint, then having it repainted so that it looked like new again. I am talking thousands of hours, thousands of dollars, and all to restore a car that he eventually sold because it started to rust again. My beloved brother and friend Jack is gone to his reward now, and I am certain that old car is still here.

In the parable from Matthew 14:44-50 Jesus is really talking about the value men placed on earthly temporary things compared to the value they placed on the spiritual eternal things. For every one of us, this will eventually come down to one question. Do you find Christ and His kingdom to be a priceless treasure to your soul above all? Please study this with me as we expound on what and where our treasure is. . .