He Taught as One Having Authority

During His earthly ministry, Jesus astonished the people with His teaching. He astonished them in the synagogues (Mark 1:21-22; Mark 6:2). They were astonished by His sermon on the mount (Matt 7:28-29). What impressed the people was that “He taught as one having authority” unlike the scribes, who simply interpreted the law Jesus spoke as One who had the right to make the law! Using words like, “But I say to you…But I tell you…”, (Matt 5:22, 28, 32, 34, 39, 44). “Take heed…You shall not be…Do not…”  (Matt 6:1, 2, 5, 8, 19, 25).

The question might be raised, “Did Jesus have the authority to speak this way?” He may have taught with authority, but was it His right to do so? Should we, who read that which He taught, give heed to obey what He said?

We most certainly live in a time when many do not heed the words of Jesus. Not only those in the world but, sadly, even many who profess Him to be Lord did not follow His way (John 6:66).

The authority of Jesus and the words written in your New Testament Bibles needs to be recognized and followed by all, but especially by those who claim to be His disciples

In this study, we shall review the authority that Jesus has, beginning with THE INHERENT RIGHT OF JESUS’ AUTHORITY BY VIRTUE OF BEING THE CREATOR. All things were made through Him, (John 1:1-3; Heb. 1:2). Therefore, as all things were made by Him and for Him (Col. 1:16), so as Creator, Jesus has the authority to expect and demand whatever He desires of His creation. BY VIRTUE OF BEING THE HEIR.

BY VIRTUE OF BEING THE REDEEMER. Jesus has redeemed us from our sins (1Pet 1:18-19), and our redemption was with His own blood (Eph. 1:7; Acts 20:28).

As our Redeemer, He certainly has authority over those who have been purchased by His blood!