After the Heart of God


In Paul’s sermon at Antioch, he recounts the history of Israel, and refers to the statement made by God concerning David: “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will” – Acts 13:22. God removed Saul, and raised up David. I have little doubt that if a local congregation is doing the work God has called them to do, that God will bless them, and just the same if a local church does not fulfill its duties, God will remove it.

What a beautiful hope we have, being upheld by God for walking in His ways, for seeking after His Heart! And this beautiful compliment FROM GOD, “a man after My own heart”, is one that should characterize every soul who wears the name of Christ: a. For David was not only the ancestor of Christ according to the flesh… b. But he possessed many of the attitudes that Were later perfected by Christ, And should characterize all those who are disciples of Christ…