Sermons by Kenneth Curry

Later Than You Think

For many of us who are older, there comes a time when we realize that our time on earth is fleeting. We notice that many of our family members have passed on, our fathers, our mothers, even our brothers and sisters. We realize we were young, now we are the oldest. 

That is when it hits: It is Later Than You Think…

Its Later Than we Think

You never know if that someone you met yesterday, or today is someone that needs to hear that Jesus died on the cross for their sins. You’ll never know if that someone has a heart to receive God’s word. Maybe later I’ll start talking to them. But is it certain that if you never talk about your Savior it will be later than you think. To tell someone about sin, and the cure, to be able to live in eternity with God is a wonderful thing, but it you wait, you may learn it is later than you think. 

Thou Shalt Be Missed

In my lesson I want to express the value of being a strong and faithful member of the Lord’s church. Stressing that when you’re not there, you’ll be missed. But more than that, your absence causes harm to the body…