Sermons by Spencer Cook


Once you stop growing you start to die.  We all grow in many ways, personally, professionally, physically. I have been in school studying and have grown in my knowledge of the medical sciences. Our family has grown by the addition of one new child. But one area where growth is necessary but often hindered, is in our spiritual growth, that is growth that brings us…

Mind of Christ

We already know that we must do our best in everything that we do because we reflect God to those around us. Question is, what is our motive? Maybe you’re working hard at your job because really want that promotion because you know people will respect you more or, maybe you’re involved in an academics and you’re working hard to get some letters after your name. Now, there is nothing wrong with working hard to get a promotion at work or with having some letters after your name. The question we have to ask ourselves is, “Why are we doing it?” Is it for the glory of God, or to glorify ourselves?