Asking God for Wisdom

It is amazing what many Christians tend to do when life throws a road bump. When various trials are presented to us we don’t always look to the Mighty God, our Creator for wisdom. How do I handle this trial? Which direction should I go? What is the right choice that will glorify God in the process and guide me in the right way? Too often we tend to ask a friend, even one of the brethren for advice. Too often we search the internet, or buy some, “Christian Self-Help Book”. Far too often we listen to radio or T.V. personalities. But the one place we all should go–is to our loving Father who promised us that when we are facing hard times, various trials, He would supply us with wisdom. James will say, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. . . ”  (James 1:5). God will supply you with all you need to face each day in victory but, there are stipulations, there are prerequisites namely, “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting. . . “  (v.6a). Together let us see by the inspired words of James what the stipulations are and what the happens when we ask in faith, what happens when we doubt.