Because He Lives

THE RESSURRECTION CHANGED EVERYTHING — What we want to do in this lesson is consider two men, as recorded in Luke 24, who were changed because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And more importantly we will see how valuable this is for us today. What is a tomb? Are they made to be empty? No! Tombs are made to hold the dead. Our bibles give the record of that Sunday morning when the stone was rolled back and Jesus came forth, leaving an empty tomb behind. Christians remember this, not with chocolate bunnies, colorful eggs, special Easter dress, and the beginning of spring, but each Lord’s day, 52 times a year by the observance for the Lord’s supper.

Luke chapter 24 and verse 6 “He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee“. Indeed Jesus told them all that He would die, and be raised up. We must remember that Jesus is not dead, He lives and the songs we sing so often say, “Up from the Grave He arouse”, “I serve a risen Savior”, and “One Day Living He loved me, dying He saved me, buried He carried my sins far away, rising He justified freely forever, one day He’s coming, o glorious day”.

In our lesson today we will look at two men who were walking on the road to Emmaus talking sad things until Jesus comes to them, and opens their eyes to His resurrection.