Christ a Sweet Smelling Aroma

There are many kinds of workers in this world. Some work in office buildings and dress up, wear colon and then some work in the sewers. To the one when approached you might welcome them, shake their hand, invite them over for coffee or just to talk. The latter when they approach you, quite possibly you might hold your nose and say, stay back a little. In the church we all should have a distinctive aroma, that is to say we should all smell like Jesus.  In his autobiography golfer Walter Hagen wrote: “Don’t hurry. … And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” That eventually was paraphrased to what we often hear today, “Stop and Smell the roses”! And—believe it or not—not making time to stop and smell the roses spiritually speaking . . . can be connected to the lack of understanding of spirit and truth, to a weak faith instead of a strong faith. When we don’t stop and take time to breath in the sweet smelling fragrance of Christ, of God’s word, we will struggle, and even fail God—in the work He has given us to do. Paul wrote, “. . . walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma” (Ephesians. 5:2). As Christians we should smell like Jesus that is, “a sweet-smelling aroma”, so that when people walk by they won’t say, get away from me, rather they will want your company. In this lesson we will consider the negative and the positive. The view of the world and the way of the truth. What things do make us to be a “a sweet-smelling aroma” to God our Father