Don’t Believe Saved by Works

The debate over works and faith will never end and the reason is simple enough, people listen to people instead of God. Most people will attend a church of their choice, listen to the preacher year after year. Attend bible studies, and never question the teaching. Never comparing what is taught against what God’s word teaches. This resulted in generations of followers of men. Sadly, This spawns a plethora of confusion when leaders of other denominations make unjust, untrue claims about things the churches of Christ do and do not believe. One such is the claim that the churches of Christ believe we are saved by works. I am a preacher in the church of Christ and in all my years I have never heard the taught, or even implied. So, why are people teaching this? Possibly some are just mistaken over the differences between works of faith and works of merit. But more often there is a sinister reason that is born of hate. That’s right, many denominational leaders believe the churches of Christ are cults, filled with false teaching, yet only because of their lack of knowledge concerning why we believe the things we do. As for being saved by works, this lesson will clear up any confusion, any miss information.