Faith That Works

This is a true as it gets. Ask someone if they have faith and 85-90 percent of the time, you’ll get an affirmative—absolutely, I have faith. Ask the same people if they attend weekly worship services—you’ll get strange looks from most… Some will say—I don’t believe in organized religion others will say you don’t have to “go to church” to worship God. . . you can worship Him anywhere. Then there is the why would I go to worship with a bunch of hypocrites? Finally, the piest de resistance of all – I have faith and my faith and nothing else is all that matters. Another, “true as it gets fact” is that Jesus Himself, as recorded by, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John disagrees with all the afore mentioned man made doctrines and excuses!
Paul and James Both disagree: Paul commands all believers with clear and strong language. . . “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified” (2 Cor. 13:5). James handles this by offering us two (2) tests showing us how to “examine” or “test” our own selves. . .proving whether or not we are truly walking in faith. Then James offers us (2) two examples to illustrate the value of faith plus works That is to say, walking in “Faith that Works. . . “