Follow Me

Great significance must be applied to these two words when spoken by Jesus. “Follow Me”. For Peter and the other Apostles, this meant two things. One, as you follow Me in this world you will suffer persecutions, even death. Two, if you stay the course you will be with Me where I am in eternity. Easier said than done especially when the invitation to follow Jesus is preceded by “when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish” meaning you will die at the hands of another. In Peter’s case that meant he would be lead to be executed by crucifixion. So, If I were Peter what would I have done? Would I run, hiding my faith to save my life or would I stay the course and save my soul and bring glory to God in the process? Let us see what Peter did, and the rest did and why, then apply the principle to our lives.