For His Glory Part 2

Last time our lesson from Peter chapter 4 addressed the things we must not do in light of Jesus’ suffering for us. Now we consider the things that we must do because Jesus suffered for us. We live in considerably difficult times and the world is escalating in its abhorrence toward the Lord, the church and all godliness. But when Peter wrote this letter in the first century the saints were suffering persecution, prison and death. In the America we are not to that point, but Christians who shine the light of Christ in their daily lives will suffer for their faith. But because Jesus suffered for us, we need to arm ourselves with the same mind, and count any suffering or persecution for the faith as an honor and rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer “so little” for the Lord our God.

So then, because Jesus suffered such immense agony, we must be serious and watchful, be constantly in prayer,  “And above all things have fervent love for one another”.