Handling Grief

Handling Grief

It seems that there is an endless source of grief in this old world. It seems that on a daily basis some of us are stricken with more reasons to grieve that to rejoice, and sometimes that may be true. Isolation from COVID19 causes many to feel alone—to be emotionally drained—wanting for companionship, then there is death which is ongoing—and especially so, as we get older—our friends—family—all disappear from our lives. Sometimes quickly—sometimes with long and painful suffering. We will all experience grief throughout our lifetime—there is “no escaping this fact”. The good news is Christ is able to sustain us and carry our grief, not to minimize it, but to carry the heavy load. We all live in a fallen world, sin takes a toll but by the grace and power of God we can walk through the valley of the shadow of death, experience the grief, and come out the other side only to rest fully on the grace of God…