He Is Risen

Just read the text, they went to the empty tomb, Mary Magdalene (John 20:1), the other Mary (Matt. 28:1), Salome (Mark 16:1) and, Peter and John (the other disciple, whom Jesus loved). But truly it amazing that we read, on the first day of the week they went to the tomb early, but not to see a resurrected Savior, but to continue with the proper preparation of the body of Jesus. Amazing because they did not expect to see an empty tomb, even though the Master told them many times, on the third day I will rise. Those closest to Him, went to see a body, and when no body was found, neither was there any faith to be found for they didn’t say, the Lord, He is risen lets go tell everyone the good news! Mary ran to report. What did she report? “They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him” (John 20:1). Listen as we learn from John’s gospel some things that will help us to believe…