Hope That Rest Fully On The Grace Part 2

We ended our lesson this morning with mention of the example of Job. Why is it that the reports are so discouraging? Why is there a report of elevated mental health? Why have so many adults experienced “Disproportionately worse mental health outcomes”? Why the sharp increase in substance use? Why is there such an elevated suicidal ideation? Ideation used in psychology means that people contemplating, formulating, discussing ideas or concepts around thoughts of suicide: IT IS BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE—INCLUDING US—PLACED THEIR HOPES IN PORTIONS—ON SOME THING AND NOT 100% ON THE GRACE… UNLIKE JOB WHO RELIED FULLY ON GOD, ON GRACE. But praise be to God that we are free by grace to chose the better path.

Read Job chapters 1 and two. Notice Job lost all this in one single day. No time to reset, just one after another.  What was Job’s mindset? Maybe I could say—his world view.  Was it not one of trusting God fully, completely in everything? What would you do today—if four people came one after the other and said this to you? If your Hope Rests Fully on the Grace you will do the same thing as Job…