Inheriting The Promises

Inheriting The Promises

Our lesson today comes from the great inheritance that God promised and delivered to His people, who after taking the promised land, became the great nation, Israel.
We learn from this account what Kind of FAITH we must have today. We will learn of three preconditions of faith—then apply them to our walk as Christians. Also, for those who have not yet obeyed the gospel—the same principles apply. Understand that Israel was seeking the land of milk and honey which God promised before to Abram. In the same way we are pilgrims seeking a heavenly home. Just like the chosen people of God under the Old Law only received that promise by obedient faith. So also, today all who are the chosen people of God – that is the church – must have obeyed the gospel by obedient faith.
Let’s begin then with the first precondition for inheriting the promised land which is…