

There are many things in this life that can produce joy in our hearts. I played violin for years it brought me joy. Falling in love and finally marrying the love of my life brought be joy. Seeing my children born and grow to be godly children of God brought me joy.

But, all these great things are temporary. I played the violin for others and brought them joy until I cut off my finger in a table saw accident. Now I am learning to play the trumpet with when I play doesn’t bring anyone joy. Someday I will die (Heb. 9:27), or the love of my life will go before me which will, for a time, bring great sorrow. But again, though these things will one day pass – the joy that comes from above – the joy of being a member of the body of Christ and being recipients of the promise of eternal life – can never be taken away.

We’ll investigate this and I pray all will have that eternal fruit of the Spirit – Joy by accepting the invitation of Jesus Christ…