Know God & Be Known

Our lesson tonight comes from two scriptures, one Isaiah 53 and the second from Psalm 139. These speak of two concerns in the life of a Christian. They are what it is to know God and to be known by God. We start with knowing God. Isaiah 53 is a prevalent passage as it relates to that because it introduces us to the message of the gospel. And if we understand, by no means do we ever have any hope of ever knowing God apart from the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can’t know God if He never revealed himself and He reveals Himself exclusively through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 53 speaks of the gospel, anyone who has ever heard that passage or knows anything about the scriptures, they understand that this pointing to the Messiah and all the things He did for us.

When we really know God through the scriptures, we will turn to Him, we will repent the right way. Repentance is turning your heart, and bending your heart and your will towards the will of God according to this (bible). When we know His we will obey the simple gospel which says, believe the gospel, believe that you belong to Him and give your heart and your mind and your body and your soul and everything that you have to Him before you perish, before you enter that outer darkness where it will be eternally too late.