Lost and Found

Lost and Found

We know that the devil was a murderer from the beginning. . .
We know that the devil does not stand for truth. . .
We know when he speaks a lie, that it’s from his own self, because he is the father of it (John 8:44).

In the garden that serpent created a “desire to sin” in Eve’s heart simply by highlighting the “benefits” of eating the forbidden fruit.
Benefits, yes, but at a great cost!

in this lesson I’d like us to consider 3 things that were lost when sin entered the world…

  1. Paradise Was Lost
  2. Fellowship with God Was Lost
  3. Eternal Life

Then 4 things that are gain to those who are washed in the blood…

  1. Paradise After This Life Is Over
  2. Glory Without Suffering
  3. Fellowship with God Restored Through the Blood
  4. Eternal Life

We begin then with the first of the 3 things lost because of sin which is…