Remember His Grace

When Jesus asked Peter for the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?”, Peter was grieved and said, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You”  (John 21:17). I believe that what grieved Peter was two fold. One, being called “Simon”, and two, realizing his sin that he was fishing for fish not for men, and relating three questions, “Do you love Me”, “I don’t know the man”, “Do you love Me”, “I don’t know the man”, and “Do you love Me”, “I don’t know the man”. But what is remarkable is that instead of condemnation, “Peter why did you deny Me?”, Jesus extended Grace. Friends, if we never failed, never sinned—we would not stand on His grace! We could stand on our own achievements—our perfection—our accomplishments, our own righteous deeds—and we could say, we stand and rejoice in all our own goodness. But we do fail—we do sin. But there is no need to give up. No need to hide from God, to throw yourself into your work, your hobbies, or something else. Know that you have access by faith into His Grace in which you can stand and rejoice. Keep moving forward knowing when you fail—you love the Lord—repent and He will forgive you your sins He will provide His grace.