Some Things the Church Must Teach – Part 1

Paul wrote, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1Cor. 15:58).  Fact is that we must daily be working in the vineyard of the Lord. Seeking to save lost souls, and teaching God’s word not just to those who have not learned but also to every member of the body.

Jesus’ work on earth is done and that puts the responsibility to teach God’s word to all who will listen. Teaching truth about Jesus, salvation and worship. Doctrine found in the New Testament is the only pattern we have from God on any subject regarding the church and church membership. Many teach false doctrine and the Lord’s people must be teaching truth. Many teach Jesus will return and set up a literal kingdom, He will not. Many teach that one only needs to be “good” to enter the kingdom of heaven, that is just not so. Some teach that God will save some to heaven and some one a “new earth”, and we know that is a false teaching.

In these two lessons we will cover some things the church must teach so that false ideas can be removed and the truth will prevail. What will really happen the next time Jesus appears? Let’s see. . .