Understanding Our Faiths Foundation – Living Honorably – Part 2

Living Honorably – Part 2

Last week we studied a lesson titled Living Honorably, in the series Understanding Our Faiths Foundation and our focus was primarily how to act honorably toward each other, toward widows and young people toward their elders.

Today we continue with that theme in the second half of 1 Timothy 5 through the first two verses of chapter 6.
Remembering that all people are created in God’s image, we noted that truly God cares about how we treat each other, thus He really cares about how we treat all people especially those in need of help.

All of chapter 5 through chapter 6 and verse 2, is about living honorably before God.  We have already considered two, how we are to honor widows who are truly widows, and how we are to honor others, older men as fathers, women as mothers and the young as brothers and sisters.

In this lesson First, Paul teaches how we are to act honorably toward those who are elders, overseers of the local church. (5:17-22). Secondly, how we act toward false disciples (5:23-25), and Third, how we act with our employers (6:1-2).

Always in every way to act honorable as God desires in these various life areas. Honoring Your Elders “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine”  (1 Tim. 5:17)…