What’s in a Name?

Have you ever considered how important your name is. You are identified by it in many ways, who you are, what you are like. In many ways your name defines you. Examples from history: What do you think of when you hear, Bill Gates, or Ronald McDonald? What about, Jezebel, Ahab, and Judas?

What church comes to mind when you hear the name, Luther, Wesley, Calvin, Smith, Russel? Some you may know and some you may not, but it is certain that the ones you do know you will attribute them to a denomination that was “founded” by them. The name on the building often reminds you of the founder, and such is the case with the Church of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone, builder and head (Eph. 2:20; Matt. 16:18; Col. 1:18) of the churches of Christ. There are no others to point to, and no other leader over the church. All decisions are made by Him concerning the practice of the faith. The manner of worship, the work the church is to do is all predefined by Jesus through His word, our guidebook, the Bible.

We Christians are, the church of Christ spiritually, and locally in autonomous congregations. We wear no man made name, only Christ’s. If the church you attend wears another’s name you are in a church that was man-made, not God ordained. The name on the building can be misleading, not every “church of Christ”, is practicing spirit and truth, and the only way to know is to search the scripture, looking for what the Bible says the church is. Then and only then will you know if your in the right church.