Your Wonderful Works

Your Wonderful Works

Years ago, when I was a younger boy, I would camp in the mountains of California. Gazing up into the infinite and deep night sky, without lights from the city, the glory of God’s handy work is expressly seen.
I remember the stars, and how they moved me to marvel. It wasn’t for another 20 years before I understood, God Made this, and God made me.

David wrote: “Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; And Your thoughts toward us Cannot be recounted to You in order; If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.” (Psa. 40:5).

  • Can you hear from this Messianic psalm David’s wonderful expression of praise to God?
    We should often read the Psalms to reminds us of God’s wonderful works, and that those works are directed toward us. I mean think about it.
  • In creation God made man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being – Gen. 2:7
  • Psalm 8:4 What is man that You are mindful of him.
  • The garden was made for man…a shadow of the hope of heaven
  • Noah was saved so that you could one day see God face to face (God could have destroyed all)
  • Joseph sold into slavery and made powerful, so that the children would ultimately come into Egypt and learn their need for God, and cry out to the Lord for deliverance – a shadow of deliverance in Jesus
  • 40 years of wanderings, remind us SONG # 715: “this world is not my home, I’m just a passing through, my treasures are laid up, somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from heaven’s open door, and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.
  • My promised land, heaven, I have to go through this life to get there, o what a hope

It goes on and on if you just take some time and think how everything points towards Jesus, our salvation in Him, and our home in heaven in the after while. Indeed, as David meditated on God’s wonderful works he soon realized that they could not be counted because of how numerous they were.

Brethren, as God’s adopted, we would do well to remember God’s eternal attention and kindnesses toward us.  Speaking of God’s kindness towards us, we must consider…