Sadly, many people have been misinformed about what the Church of Christ believes and what it teaches. In this series we will address some of these false narratives such as the churches of Christ teach that people are saved by water baptism. It does not! In fact I have never heard a preacher of the Gospel as much as even insinuate such. l will however explain the role that baptism plays in our salvation. I will by the scripture show that we are not saved by any one thing. Not saved by faith only, nor prayer only, nor grace only. We will use the word of God to answer the question what must I do to be saved?
We live in considerably difficult times and the world is escalating in its abhorrence toward the Lord, the church and all godliness. But when Peter wrote this letter in the first century the saints were suffering persecution, prison and death. In the America we are not to that point, but Christians who shine the light of Christ in their daily lives will. . .
King Ahab had married Jezebel who became Queen and between the two of them they began to introduce all sorts of idolatry into the nation of Israel. This is something that the Lord would not tolerate.
So, when Elijah appears before Ahab, he presents a challenge. We’re going to set up a contest between Jehovah and the other gods more specifically Baal and Asherah. You are going to build an altar to your gods and I’m going build an altar to Jehovah. And we’re going to get two oxen and we’re going cut one up and put it on your altar and we’re going cut the other one up and put it on my altar. But we’re not going to build the fire. What we’re going do is we’re going to call to our gods and will let the true God answer with fire. Then Elijah spoke to the people and said how long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God follow him but if Baal follow him. But the people answered him not a word. . . not a word!
I am afraid that the way this nation is going and I’m not talking about political one talking about the world that is gearing up to attack the people of God. As God’s children we must ask ourselves, how long will I falter between two opinions. . .
Peter says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3). With this in mind we have been learning from Peter about suffering for righteousness’ sake, how that through suffering we honor our Maker and at the end–we will find mercy and grace. The by submitting, showing ourselves to be Christlike, we may win over some who are not followers. All done to the glory of God.
Now in the 4th chapter Peter we begin a two part lesson. First because Jesus suffered there are things we MUST NOT DO. Second, because Jesus suffered there are things we Must do. We begin with the first verse where Peter says, “Therefore, since Christ suffered [a]for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind. . . ” What does this mean? It means we need to suffer, we need to live righteous lives according to the spirit of truth. It means we cannot walk the path of least resistance. . .
We continue from the previous lesson to consider the things Peter is teaching in this first letter to the pilgrims and sojourners at chapter 3 and verses 18 through the end of the chapter. Sin separates us from our Creator God. What must we do to be saved and reconciled? What role does our heart play? What role does baptism play? Must we be righteous, must we obey God? How many were on the ark? Is baptism a mindless act? Is how we live after baptism important? What role. . .
Every time we study our bibles it is imperative that read with understanding concerning the source of every word. The word of God is just that, the word of God. Not Paul, not Peter, not Matthew, Mark, Luke, James or John, God. This is really a struggle for many who have not study the origin of scripture. The bible is either the word of men who have written vainly to find God, or it is the Word from God to man that contains all we will ever, in this life, need to know God, and His will for us (2 Peter 1:3).
Fact is the the latter is true, for God wants us all to have unity of the faith (Eph. 4:1-6), and that can only be done if we learn and apply the scripture rightly to our lives (2 Tim. 3:16-17). True faith, “real faith”, comes only by hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17; John 6:63).
With these truths in mind, we must understand that each time we study, we do not have the right to “privately interpret” (2 Peter 1:19-21, cf. 2 Tim. 3:16-17). Context is everything, and of the plethora of false teachers the preponderance of them exist because of not “rightly dividing” scripture which results in “proof texts”. . . This exactly defines most bible teachers, and preachers today, simply put it is applied to anyone who teaches doctrine based upon one scripture. All scripture must harmonize or “we”, not God, are mishandling the text, and more often than not–to our own advantage, and to our own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). As we do our study (2 Part) in this lesson, and every lesson, we need to keep this fundamental truth that we don’t. . .
Jehonadab is coming to meet Jehu. Jehu greeted him by saying, “Is your heart right, as my heart is toward your heart?” Jehonadab answered, “It is.” Jehu said, “If it is, give me your hand.” So he gave him his hand, and he took him up to him into the chariot. 16 Then he said, “Come with me, and see my zeal for the Lord.” What a great example that all of us can follow concerning zeal and the Lord’s kingdom. We all need to. . .
Peter teaches us that as imatators of Christ we must be willing to treat the world with a portion of godliness. He says, “not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing” (1 Peter 3:9). Peter instructs, that we cannot reciprocate the evil treatment of others towards us with evil. Peter tells us we are different, therefore, we do not respond in kind because we have been born again to “. . .a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. . . (1 Pet. 1:3). Remember that the Lord is against all evil, therefore, we must, “. . . him turn away from evil and do good. . .” (1 Peter 3:11), and we must not be troubled by suffering, but understand. . .
At verse 8 of Peter’s first letter to the “sojourners and pilgrims” (2:11), Peter is not finished, and is in a teaching summary way, bringing out the importance of following and practicing everything he previously wrote up to this point. Peter says, “Finally, all of you be of one mined . . . ” , then offers five things we must that must be practice by every child of God. Those five things are. . .
So, the first thing we must always do in answering any question concerning Christ or any practice in the church is to be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11), “and searched the Scriptures daily” to find out what the scriptures have to say on the subject of holidays to be practice in the LORD’s church. That means this message should be only 1:45 seconds long because that is how long it takes to say, “It’s not in there”. Of course if we are looking for reasons to explain why it will take a bit longer. What is the question? Simply put, of the many holidays practiced in the U.S. alone, do members of the LORD’s church have the right…