Sermons (Page 38)

My Kingdom is Not of This World – The Power of God

The scene has shifted as Jesus now goes “out with His disciples over the Brook Kidron, where there was a garden”. The two sides are about to meet. One side Jesus, though His disciples are with Him, He is ONE MAN. On the other side you have Judas with a “detachment of troops”, more than 600 plus soldiers, and add to that the officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, coming with lanterns, torches, and weapons, against the ONE MAN. What will happen is truly amazing. 

Prayer of the Lord – The Word for All Who Will Believe

In our last lesson we learned Jesus prayed to the Father on behalf of His Apostles. That the Father keep them—from evil, that they may be one as Jesus and the Father are One, and that the Father would sanctify them by His word of truth. These three requests were made at a time when Jesus was just hours away from death. Just imagine what your concern might have been if you were in His place, facing a horrifying death just hours away. I would be shifting into Macgyver mode and  thinking of ways to get out, my focus would be on how to save myself from that hour. Not so with the Lord as we saw He was concerned for His own apostles, but now we see Jesus was also concerned for us today—for all who will believe through the words of the apostles. Their words like the Lord’s have one common source—the source is God. Now God’s word will be delivered by His apostles first in Jerusalem—then to the whole world—to all who will believe. What does that mean for us today?

Prayer of the Lord UNITY

In this, the actual prayer of the Lord—we hear the words of Jesus offered up to the Father. Now it is just hours before the trials and beatings and crucifixion. What is His Jesus praying about? In the first 5 verses Jesus’ concern was for two things, the glory of God, and His concern for His disciples welfare. By His sacrifice Jesus will glorify the Father—being nailed to a cross and lifted up off the earth. Jesus by giving His life—shows us the ultimate sacrifice to glorify the Father—and by that sacrifice He would be able to give eternal life to all who belong to Him. Today we continue our lesson at verse 6 with the word of the Lord as He prays for UNITY of the believers. I want you to notice something that is very important in verse 6, “I have [a]manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world…” So, the big question is, who are these men and why does it…

Let Us Hear the Conclusion

From Solomon, who invested a great deal of time learning and imparting wisdom. Solomon in the opening chapter says, “12 I, the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. 13 And I set my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under heaven; this burdensome task God has given to the sons of man, by which they may be [e]exercised. 14 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind.” (Eccl. 1:12-14). Solomon probably as much as anyone in human history, was positioned to be able to look at human pursuit and evaluate all of the things that men chase after. Brother Cosner opens the scripture and teaches a simple but powerful message that has its roots in the closing words of the wise man. “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all. 14 For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil” (Eccl. 12:13-14).

Prayer of the Lord to the Glory of the Father

This is the Lord’s prayer, not the Lord teaching how to pray as in Matthew chapter 6. “Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You” (John 17:1). What is the “hour”? What was the focus of Lord’s prayer? How does the first 5 verses effect us, how does it apply to us today in the church? In this lesson we will examine the first 5 verses and then seek to know Jesus’ intent, the important relationship between eternal life and knowing God the Father and…

I Have Overcome The World

Here is God making the sacrifice for our sin, Jesus knows exactly how this is going to play out. Jesus knows exactly horrific the scourging will be – how much pain He will have to suffer—how he will be ridiculed and mocked—hated. Yet Jesus said, I’ll Do It! Listen to me—Jesus didn’t “NEED TO DO THIS!” Why didn’t He call “Ten Thousand Angels”? It has very much to do with the love of God and we see the cross now as an image of power—and love—and peace—now we cling to it…

Sorrow Turned Into Joy

Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy.” (John 16:20). How is this possible? Will we weep and lament? How can this be turned into joy? This world stands in darkness, love the darkness, and hates anything, anyone who sheds light on their evil deeds. But Jesus does take away the sorrow in that after He sorrowed, suffered beatings and the full weight of the cross He rose from the grave. That knowledge gave the disciples inexpressible Joy! Three days after seeing Jesus nailed to a cross, clothes taken, raised up, bleeding and agonizing, and finally, He died–their sorrows turned to joy at the sight of the resurrected Savior. God’s word can turn your sorrow into joy also…

Three Forms of Hope

Webster: Hope A “to cherish a desire with anticipation : to want something to happen or be true – To desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment – to expect with confidence (Trust / Reliance). In Christ we so much to hope for. We hope for the resurrection to life, and a home in Heaven, when we will see the face of God our Father. And there are many kinds of hope that settle our hearts, strengthen our faith and assure us of the power of God. In this lesson we will speak to only three. Joyful hope, living hope and preserving hope… 

Hated Without A Cause

Jesus was kind, no respecter of persons, a healer, Master teacher that taught only truth and great moral lessons like, love you neighbor as yourself, do to others as you would have them do to you, even love your enemies. Jesus touched the untouchable lepers. He raised people from the dead, had compassion and took unwarranted abuse from the Jews. He kept His own teaching to walk the extra mile for sinners, even those who sought to kill Him. Jesus was beaten, nailed to the cross, and mocked and just before He died He said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” So, why was Jesus hated? Why did some of the very people who saw the miracles, eat of the bread, heard His teaching shot, “Crucify Him!”?

Connect the Dots

Likely one of the most difficult things people struggle with today is connecting the dots from one bit of information to another. There are so many conflicting views, so much data to sift through that sometimes is seems impossible to come to a safe conclusion on almost any matter. But, when it comes to salvation Jesus made it simple, with one way, one spirit, on voice, that is His. In this lesson we will simply connect the dots from the words of Jesus and…