Interesting that when Jesus said, “you will abide in My love” (John 15:10), it was not a command. Preceding this “promise” are the words, “If you keep My commandments…” . IF is a conditional statement that in this context refers to the future. If you don’t keep My commandments, you won’t abide in My love. If you keep my commandments you will abide in My love. To be in the love of Christ is to be participants in all the spiritual blessing that are in Christ…
“1 Give unto the Lord, O you mighty ones, give unto the Lord glory and strength. 2 “Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty [or majesty] of holiness. 9 The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth, and strips the forests bare; and in His temple everyone says, Glory!” (Psalm 29:1, 2, 9). What are we learning from David, from the Spirit of God? We Must Give Glory to God —and like everything else—giving Him what is due Him…
We must understand that Jesus expects His disciples to bear fruit! Jesus is the I AM—we the must turn the words around and honestly ask yourselves: “Am I…” Am I truly attached to the Vine? Am I Abiding in Christ, that is am I keeping His commandments? Am I Truthfully Able to Say His words Abide in me? Am I—Glorifying the Father by Bearing Much fruit? Is this what God is sees in me? These questions must be considered—they are of the utmost importance—because as we will see in our lesson today if…
In part one we discussed the first of two kinds of love, that being “The Kind of Love we Can do Without – 2 Timothy 3:1-5”. Now we turn our attention to “The Kind of Love we Cannot do Without – 1 John 4:7-11”. Join with me as we look at just a few examples of the kinds of love every child of God must have beginning with “Love for the truth from bold preachers”…
Recorded by John in chapter 14 of his book by the same name Jesus provides the answers between the first verse and verse 27 of how we can have peace in these turbulent times. Sandwiched between these two verses are three points to consider. Join us in discovering what they are and how you can have peace in troubled times.
It is safe to say, knowing all of you here today, that you have a home, and that you have doors with locks. I would imagine also that you lock your doors and have a certain sense of comfort, of peace, and of safety. But did you know that most locks can be broken in a matter of a second by an invader with the right tool, and know-how? I am not trying to put fear into your hearts, just the opposite. This lesson will remind us that locks, doors, windows and yes, walls cannot save us from an enemy with a purpose. And spiritually speaking–walls are ineffective period. But we do have access to one who does have the power to protect us–to be our strength–and to be with us whenever we need help…
With all that is going on around us, seeing so many people shaken, overwhelmed and misguided: We are thankful that we serve God and that because of the Rock of our Refuge we do not have to be shaken by the events of life. We are on stable ground, and God has given us wisdom and knowledge and the keys to peace through His word, through His Son…
When Jesus told His disciples that “one of you will betray Me” (John 13:21), that must have been a shocking moment in their already troubled lives. Matthew records “And they were exceedingly sorrowful, and each of them began to say to Him, “Lord, is it I?” (Matthew 26:22). Those 4 words can keep us from all kinds of trouble, all manner of sin, if we would just ask daily, Lord, is it I? We will examine some of the ways this can help us avoid trouble and maintain a right relationship with our Lord…
Men put “blinders” on their horses to keep them from being distracted by peripheral things. God’s word can work for us in the same way. It can keep us focused on what is important and train us not to be concerned with the sins of this life that so easily ensnare.