From John chapter 12 we read of three, Mary, Lazarus and Martha, all who in their own way honor Jesus in their house. In this lesson we will discuss each of the three ways that we might adapt them and in our own homes honor Jesus even more…
Luke records Jesus just after the resurrection walking and talking with two disciples on the Road to Emmaus. The discussion they have opens the eye’s and hearts of the disciples and changes their lives forever as they remember that Jesus is risen! When they finally understand that the risen Savior is the One speaking to them, “they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32). This is what we need to do, “remember” as we think about this account…
A messenger was sent to tell Jesus that the brother of Mary and Martha is sick, near death. Jesus after hearing waits two day before He and His disciples leave for Bethany. Lazarus dies, by we soon learn this was done, “…for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it” (John 11:4). We learn of the humanity of Jesus as He “wept” , and we learn that Jesus is divine having power over death, and regeneration even of rotting flesh. Jesus is indeed the “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25).
From Isaiah 53 in this lesson we will be looking at three things concerning Jesus the Son of God. 1) Power, 2) Grief and 3) Mercy. I hope you will appreciate this study as I have…
In this message we will consider 7 characteristics of the child of God. (1) You must be born again, (2) Unity, (3) Spiritual Nourishment, (4) Prayer and Praise, (5) Chastening, (6) Holiness, and (7) Love…
In the Library of Congress there are over 9 millions books and they are lined up on 838 miles of book shelves. That is the distance between Cleveland Ohio and Avon Minnesota. Yet you could read every single one of those books and never learn “all that pertains unto life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3), nor could you learn accurately the things you must do to one day see the face of God in Heaven. There is only one small book that can do that, and it is called by the name Bible. More powerful than any other book. Won’t you listen to this message today, and if you need more contact us at the link provided.
Jesus is the only Shepherd that can lead us to victory over sin and death, and to Heaven one day. We must not be naive and think we aren’t being led, nor that we don’t need leading, because we all are being led, and we all need to be led. If we’re led by anything or any one in this world, we will never see the face of God…
GREAT THINGS THE LORD HAS DONE: No matter how bad things are, God is always there and in this little Psalm David reminds us of just how close the Lord is and how able He is to turn our weeping to joy. “His Favor is for Life” (v.5), “Weeping may Endure for a Night” (v.5), “But joy comes in the Morning” (v5), and “I shall never be moved” (v6)
Three Steps to Light: 1. Stage One: A Man Born Blind Can Receive Sight 2. Stage Two: Sinning Joins us to Mankind Where Righteousness Joins us to God 3. Stage Three: Jesus Brings True Vision to the Truly Blind. We are all blinded by sin, we all must seek the righteousness of God, and when we do the lyrics “Once I was blind, now I see” will become a reality…
June 27th 2020 I watched a video of a college student who called the police and said we need help there is an interviewer trying to “fearmonger students”—and get this, “by asking them questions”. Frighting sad example of the adverse effects of Postmodernism. Not long ago we could assume that people believed in the authority and inspiration of Scripture; Not so today. For many young people are literally taught to no longer regard truth as absolute, objective, and unequivocal, as one clear way. Designer religion and the pluralizing of Christianity accepting conflicting opposing beliefs as equally valid clash violently with the biblical teaching that there is one Lord, one faith and one baptism”. Good news is that there are things that people will always need: People still need a good conscience, need truth, need morality, need hope, need faith, and people need love…