Sermons (Page 41)

The Good Shepherd

Jesus is the only Shepherd that can lead us to victory over sin and death, and to Heaven one day. We must not be naive and think we aren’t being led, nor that we don’t need leading, because we all are being led, and we all need to be led. If we’re led by anything or any one in this world, we will never see the face of God…

Joy Comes in The Morning

GREAT THINGS THE LORD HAS DONE: No matter how bad things are, God is always there and in this little Psalm David reminds us of just how close the Lord is and how able He is to turn our weeping to joy. “His Favor is for Life” (v.5), “Weeping may Endure for a Night” (v.5), “But joy comes in the Morning” (v5), and “I shall never be moved” (v6)

3 Steps to Light

Three Steps to Light: 1. Stage One: A Man Born Blind Can Receive Sight 2. Stage Two: Sinning Joins us to Mankind Where Righteousness Joins us to God 3. Stage Three: Jesus Brings True Vision to the Truly Blind. We are all blinded by sin, we all must seek the righteousness of God, and when we do the lyrics “Once I was blind, now I see” will become a reality…

What This Old World Needs

June 27th 2020 I watched a video of a college student who called the police and said we need help there is an interviewer trying to “fearmonger students”—and get this, “by asking them questions”. Frighting sad example of the adverse effects of Postmodernism. Not long ago we could assume that people believed in the authority and inspiration of Scripture; Not so today. For many young people are literally taught to no longer regard truth as absolute, objective, and unequivocal, as one clear way. Designer religion and the pluralizing of Christianity accepting conflicting opposing beliefs as equally valid clash violently with the biblical teaching that there is one Lord, one faith and one baptism”. Good news is that there are things that people will always need: People still need a good conscience, need truth, need morality, need hope, need faith, and people need love…

Joyless v/s Joyful Fanatics

Jesus was certainly considered a fanatic by those Jews and to this day religious people would take Jesus’ message as fanatical, in fact they do. Today Jesus would be called a fanatic by 99 % of the existing churches because He said, He would build only one church, “…I will build My church…” (Matt. 16:18), He said there is only one way, “…No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6), He said, “…He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies.” (John 11:25). To the point of the lesson, the overwhelming majority of “believers” who are literally fanatics about Jesus, praising Him everywhere they go, claiming unabashedly their love and devotion to Him, will one day see their joy turned to joylessness…

On Time Is Late

Was God ever late? What Jesus ever late for anything? When the fullness of time came, He was there on time. He had an appointed time for the cross, and He was early in the garden. We are supposed to be imitators of Christ (1 Cor. 11:1) so why do still struggle with being habitually late? In this lesson we will address this very important issue straight on because when we think about God, he was never late, think about Jesus, never late, not even for the cross. Therefore, we must conclude that we should not make a habit of being late, especially for worship…

Faith That Overcomes

What kind of faith leads “to the saving of the soul” (Heb. 10:39)? “We are not people who turn back and are lost. Instead, we have faith and are saved.”  It is Faith that Pleases God…Faith that has confidence and conviction in things hoped for, in things unseen…Faith that believes God is, and that He rewards those who seek Him…Faith that worships like Abel, walks like Enoch, and works like Noah. In the book of Hebrews we learn of the faith of others and of faith we want: That is “Faith That Embraces The Promises”…

Where’s Your Perspective From?

Our perspective on things is very important to our understanding. When considering any subject, the perspective you are looking from can either lead you to fight to the death whether you are right or wrong. Our perspective can cause us to sin or not sin, to fight or run, and this all depends on perspectives origin. Imagine David’s “perspective” in facing Goliath. If David had a worldly perspective like the other Israelite’s he would have been crying and cowering in fear just like they did. But David’s perspective was not from man, but from God. Little David looking up at this giant of a man in comparison to himself, saw right past the giant all the way up to the all powerful God. David’s perspective: “I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel…This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand…that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47 Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands” (1 Sam. 17:45b-47)

Bearing Fruit Still – PM

Some day the Lord’s people will be in that land where they’ll never grow old. This is one of the great and precious promises that every child of God looks forward to and the older you are on this side of the grave, the more clearer is the hope. But we must understand that the older we get, the wiser we should be concerning life and godliness which means the older we get the better we should be at teaching about Christ, salvation, about the hope that is in us. What we must be doing with all that experience, with all the knowledge concerning spiritual things is to be passing it on to those who are coming up behind us. Yet, so many as they retire from work in this physical world, they also retire from working in the kingdom of the Lord. Is this right? We will talk about this in this lesson…

Jesus The Light of the World – Part 2

When we study today we will see more about what Jesus came to do, that is to punch a hole in the darkness. He came to be the Light of the world and His light, is the only thing powerful enough to “punch a hole in the darkness of sin”. Jesus came and “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4) so that mankind might see his own sin and be saved. So, if Jesus is the light of the world, what is darkness…