In speaking to others about the church of Christ often you will hear an immediate response such as, “You are just another Campbellite”, “Your church is a denomination that was started by Alexander Campbell”, “Your church is no different than any other”, and of course, “You guys think you are the only ones saved”. These few “rehearsed statements” are made by people who have been taught to believe in what I call the “Multi-church Evolution”. That is the belief that every church that names Jesus as Lord and King is indeed His church. Even though “their churches”, are most often named by every name but His, and their teaching and beliefs often contradict each other, their insistence is still we are all, “one in Christ”.
In recognition of simple, clear and defined scripture such as the fact that God reconciled both Jews and Greeks into one body through the cross (Eph. 2:16), or as Paul said, “There is one body and one Spirit…” (Eph. 4:4), and we know that one body he spoke of is the church and that its only head is Christ Jesus (Col. 1:18, 24). So then, how can people who read their Bibles believe so many different things and how can they learn from their Bibles that churches of Christ are somehow to be singled out as cults, evil, and false in their teaching?
Fact is that everyone, and that includes me, believes what they have been taught. If you are taught a lie, you will fight for it with all your might, and unless someone is able to reach your heart with the truth, you will take that lie with you even to the grave. That is why some today have the misconception that Alexander Campbell founded the church of Christ, they were taught that he did. This becomes a difficulty because it is much easier to teach than to unteach. We are a stubborn people, either for our good, or for our destruction (Rom. 11:22). A short history lesson should be enough to show the honest and good heart (Luke 8:15) the church of Christ existed long before Campbell. Please study and consider the following historical facts.
First: With a little research one might learn that in Caine Ridge Kentucky there is a gravestone of William Rogers with the following inscription:
“Born in Campbell CO VA., July 7, 1784, Removed with his father to Caine Ridge Bourbon CO April, 1798. United with the Church of Christ at the Caine Ridge IN 1807. Died Feb. 15, 1862, in the 78 year of His Age.”
What does this prove? It proves much if you have been falsely lead to believe that Alexander Campbell is the founder of the churches of Christ because he did not arrive in America until September 29, 1809 (The Eternal Kingdom, F.W. Mattox, p. 326). Do the simple math: W. Rogers became a member of the church of Christ in (1807): A. Campbell didn’t come to America till (1809), (1809-1807)=2. The churches of Christ existed in America before Alexander Campbell arrived therefore, he could not be the founder.
Secondly: When Alexander Campbell came to America, he was a member of the Presbyterian church. Between 1818 and 1820 A.C. debated Presbyterian ministers, “Rev. Finley in Buffalo”, “John Walker, Mt. Pleasant, Oh”, “18 day debate in 1843 with N. L. Rice (Presbyterian), Lexington KY”. These debates focused on many issues including faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Spirit, etc. This also proves A. C. was not the founder of the church of Christ, for the church of Christ was in existence before he was convicted of Bible truth that revealed error being taught in the many denominations.
Thirdly: If Alexander Campbell is to be credited with being the founder of the church of Christ was Paul a plagiarist because he wrote, “…The churches of Christ greet you” (Rom. 16:16)? Wait, Paul lived nearly 1800 years before A.C. was born.
Fact is that the Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ built the church. “…I will build My church…” (Mt. 16:16-19). The church of Christ was established on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2. The apostles preached the word of Christ for the first time that day and those who believed the preaching were baptized for the remission of their sins (Acts 2:38), 3,000 of them (Acts 2:41) and “the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47). Therefore, today it shouldn’t be debated when the church of Christ began or who founded for the scripture teaches us it was built, “…on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone” (Eph. 2:20) some 1800 years before A. C. was born.
There is only one church that belongs to Christ Jesus who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:16). One church that will one day be delivered up to God the Father (1 Cor. 15:24). That one church wears the name of its Founder and Head, Christ.
Your Bible, my Bible, every Bible teaches the exact same thing concerning the origin of the church, what its purpose is, and how to become a member of the one body the church. As I stated in the beginning it is easier to teach than to un-teach and there are many reasons for this truth but, I didn’t say it was impossible to un-teach for anyone who desires to know truth will find it. Context is one thing false teachers love to leave out. For example, many have been taught from the wrong perspective or out of context that makes the scripture sound like it is saying one thing, when it really says another. Example, Paul wrote, “But now indeed there are many members, yet one body” (1 Cor. 12:20). If you were taught this refers to many churches, Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist etc., you will believe that on the Day of the Lord every church, “…will be delivered up to the Father” (1 Cor. 15:24). That is not so! The letter Paul wrote was written to the only church that existed at the time. Search your Bible, search the historians and ask yourself, was there more than one kind of “Christian” in the first century? If you are honestly searching for truth, you’ll get only one answer, no! The scripture says Paul commanded that the church members be of, “one mind and one mouth” (Rom. 15:6), that they, “stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” (Phil. 1:27), and he said, “fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind” (Phil 2:2), and “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common” (Acts 2:44, 4:32). (Ref: 1 Cor. 1:10, 6:17, 12:13; 2 Cor. 13:11; 1 Pet. 3:8; Phil. 3:16)
My dear friends, if you were taught wrong about the origin of the churches of Christ, you should ask what else have I learned that is not in accord with the will and word of God? Am I really a member of the one true church which the Lord, who I love, will deliver to God the Father? I was taught I am a member, was I taught correctly? If you have been taught one thing different about the origin of the church of Christ, don’t wait another moment. Jesus is the one way, and if that be true there is might be only one thing keeping you from a home in Heaven.
Don’t allow what another teaches to keep you from the truth, search the scriptures in the context from which they were written so that you won’t be like these “good people” on judgment day (Matt. 7:21-27).
In Love
David Scarpino
“38 They shall be My people, and I will be their God; 39 then I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me forever, for the good of them and their children after them.” (Jeremiah 32:38)